Andrew Markel, Author at Tomorrows Technician - Page 68 of 105
VIDEO: Getting More Information On Generic Codes

Andrew Markel demonstrates how to easily and efficiently gain more information on a code on a specific vehicle that may not tell you much by itself.

VIDEO: TSBs: A Good Watch, Not Just A Good Read

Andrew Markel discusses the evolution of TSBs and how more of them are now including videos to help better understand repair procedures.

VIDEO: Fuel Pump Voltage; Different Numbers On Different Tools?

Andrew Markel discusses the current used to drive fuel pumps, and how measuring it with a suite of diagnostic tools can determine the component’s health.

VIDEO: Steering Lead-Pull Diagnostics

Andrew Markel discusses the definition of a lead-pull condition, its potential causes, and fixes to get the vehicle driving straight again.

VIDEO: Tire Over-Inflation At The Pump?

Andrew Markel discusses how over-inflation may be caused by air pumps at gas stations.

VIDEO: Belt Inspection For Tensioner And Pulley Health

Andrew Markel discusses belts made from modern materials, and how signs of wear and slippage may not be as apparent with a visual inspection.

Stacked Alignment: Solving Lead/Pull Conditions

An engineer’s definition of lead/pull condition is chassis and tire conditions that require steering input to achieve travel in the desired direction. For a technician, it is about capturing what the driver is experiencing.

VIDEO: ECM Alternator Regulation; No More Full Field Testing

Andrew Markel explains how modern alternators are designed to have their loads regulated by the ECM, eliminating the need for full field testing.

VIDEO: Belt, Pulley And Tensioner Inspection

Andrew Markel discusses belt noise and flutter, and how to inspect the belt, pulleys and tensioners for these issues.

Brake TSB Trends

TSBs are an addendum to the factory service manual and typically are the product of the OEM solving problems in the field. The majority of TSBs address problems you see at your shop including pulsating brakes, leaks and noise.

VIDEO: Brake Fluid Grades; Too Hot, Too Cold, Or Just Right?

Andrew Markel explains how using nothing but the exact brake fluid in the master cylinder can cause leaks and other issues.

VIDEO: Can TPMS Disable Other Safety Systems?

Andrew Markel discusses how low inflation pressures can prevent certain safety systems from operating.