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Engine Build: Turbocharged 6.0L Powerstroke

Benito Diaz and his shop, STP Diesel, specialize in Ford Powerstroke work.

Transfer Case: Two For The Price Of One

There are two models of the 4417, which can be an issue in diagnostics and obtaining parts or reman units.

Mitchell 1 Names Automotive Technology Outstanding Student

Rowdy Wood, from Coalgate, Oklahoma, has been named the 2020 recipient.

Understanding The Function Of Serial Data Buses

Serial data buses help to eliminate multiple sensors and wiring.

Diagnosing Secondary Ignition Problems

Kilovolt demand can vary widely according to air/fuel ratio, running compression and spark timing.

Skipping Scan Procedures: What You Don’t Know Can Cost You

Skipping pre- and post-repair scans or other electronic procedures can cost you time and money as well as your reputation.

New Exhaust Gas Diagnostic Kit With Software To Analyze

The 5-Gas Analyzer is handheld and fully portable with all readings live, not calculated.

Free Webinar: Scope Basics For Spark, Fuel And Timing

ASE-certified technician Andrew Markel demystifies the scope, and what it can do for a technician making a diagnostic call.

VIDEO: Spark Plug Deposit Diagnosis

What can cause chalky deposits on plugs? This ASE G1 test prep video sponsored by Autolite can give some answers.

Transmission 2.0: Reprogramming Drivetrain Modules

If you’re performing drivetrain service and replacement, you need to be able to reflash or reprogram the transmission.