Underhood Automotive
Honda Active Grille Shutters: How They Work

The module for the active grille shutters and PCM will store basic freeze frame information from when the code was set.

Advanced Belt Noise Diagnostics

How can you identify these types of alternator pulleys? Find out in this article.

Not Your Father’s Fuel Pump: Today’s Fuel Pumps Are Different

Understanding fuel pressure and volume is more complicated thanks to fuel injection.


Out of warranty and ready to be serviced, Ford models with the 3.5L EcoBoost engine are coming into the shop.

Ford EcoBoost Engine
The Real Issues With BMW Timing Chain Stretch

Timing chain stretch is not as dramatic as you might think, but it can still be time consuming.

What Happened To The Original Hemi Head?

That thing got a Hemi? Be careful who you ask. Purists say the Hemi engine of today doesn’t meet the hemisperical standards.

3 Reasons To Replace Both The Water Pump And Timing Belt

Here are three main reasons why you should have a conversation with your customer to replace multiple parts simultaneously.

R-1234yf Safety Procedure Checklist

Play it safe when using R-1234yf with Specific Safety Procedures.

Installing Subaru Stretch Belts

The stretch belt can help to simplify the serpentine belt system on the Boxer engine.

Toyota FJ Cruiser Water Pump Replacement

Replacing the water pump on the FJ Cruiser is a reasonably big job.

2014 Toyota FJ in the desert
Fuel Pump Diagnostics: Using Scan Tools

With a scan tool, it’s possible to verify if the modules controlling the fuel pump are receiving the correct data like oil pressure, crank position and key ­position.

What Winter Can Do To Battery Life

Most shops in colder climates start to see an influx of customers with battery service needs as the holidays approach.