aviodadmin, Author at Tomorrows Technician - Page 6 of 10
Advantages of Mode $06

MODE $06 information is not easy to come by, but AVI and instructor Jim Wilson can help you unleash the power of MODE $06 in your shop.

EVAP Diagnostics

AVI has brought together two of our best instructors, Bill Fulton and Dave Hobbs, to present a comprehensive overview of the diagnostics on these systems.

CAN Data Diagnostics

This course with Bill Fulton explains what has changed with the “9” MODES and the enhancements that have been made with CAN vehicles.

10 Minute Scope Check

Become more profitable with this 10 minute diagnostic strategy using your DSO and secondary waveforms to resolve these issues.

GM Electronic Throttle Control

This course will give you an overview of the system including theory of operation, design variations and ETC Default Codes for GM vehicles.

Enhanced Ignition Systems

Learn how to use a lab scope to troubleshoot issues with ignition systems on vehicles on the road today.

Ignition System Testing with Coil-on-Plug

Learn how to use a lab scope to troubleshoot issues with ignition systems on vehicles on the road today.

Cummins Diesel Diagnostics

AVI covers all diesel guys interested in learning more about the Cummins system and the gas guys who may not be taking in these opportunities.

Intro to the Ford 6.4L Diesel

Get an overview of the major systems on this engine with component locations, maintenance issues and info that Ford provides their own techs.

Hard Start No Start

Whether you are an experienced diesel tech or just entering the world of diesels, we have the info you need to diagnose tough hard start and no start issues.

Duramax Diesel Diagnostics

Tony Salas, an ADS endorsed instructor, gives you a complete overview of the Duramax diesel engine and components from a technicians point of view.

Ford 6.0L Powerstroke Diagnostics

Mike Cleary brings his diesel expertise to you with this course on Ford Powerstroke 6.0L. Get great insider tips that you won’t find anywhere else.