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N2: A Hot Trend for Cooler Tires

Adapted from Steve LaFerre’s column in Tire Review

Component Connection: Finding Those Faulty Fuel Pumps

I am honored to serve as the 33 chairman of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). As a non-profit, cross-industry organization, ASE was chartered in 1972 to improve the quality of Automotive Service through voluntary technician certification. I believe that the mission of ASE is as important today as when it first began.

Meet the “Playahs” in Today’s Tuner Market

Adapted from Mary Aichlmayr’s article in Tire Review

Failing Clutches – What’s Really at Fault?

Adapted from Larry Carley’s article in Brake & Front End

The Science of Stopping

Adapted from Larry Carley’s article in BRAKE & FRONT END

Fishing the Net

One of the facts of life all automotive technicians face is that new technology will continue to change the business of automotive service and repair. As a technician, you need to be aware of how technology affects your job and the knowledge you need to succeed and keep your skills effective in the service bay.

Keeping Your Hard Drive Healthy

One recent afternoon, the antivirus system on our corporate server intercepted an inbound, virus-infected e-mail. As is always the case whenever this happens, an automatic reply was sent to notify the sender that they are infected. This particular sender, completely misunderstanding the message, called to tell us that we had sent him a virus, when

The Benefits of a Complete Brake Job

Adapted from Lou Calka Jr.’s article in Brake & Front End


Welcome to a new school year and congratulations on your choice of profession. I can assure you that the automotive industry can offer a productive and financially rewarding career once you complete your academic and hands-on training. The negative stereotypes regarding mechanics are quickly becoming a mindset of the past. Over the years, automotive technology

Diagnostics in the Palm of Your Hand

Adapted from Larry Carley’s article in TechShop Equipment Tools & Supplies