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Fishing the Net

One of the facts of life all automotive technicians face is that new technology will continue to change the business of automotive service and repair. As a technician, you need to be aware of how technology affects your job and the knowledge you need to succeed and keep your skills effective in the service bay.

Great Adventure

One of the most important decisions in life is the choice of a career. Deciding what you want to do for a living is rarely a simple thing, and the choices you make to prepare for your chosen vocation while young can make a big difference in the choices you will have on the job.

The Training It Takes To Be a Body Shop Technician

Adapted from Mark Claypool’s article in BodyShop Business

Bodyworks – You Wanna Piece of This?

Adopted from Keith Combs’ article in BodyShop Business Sectioning is often the only realistic approach to a repair. But because many of today’s vehicles are a hybrid of unibodies and full frames, consumers get safety and strength, while future repairers, like you, get twice as many precautions for sectioning. Why talk about sectioning? Because after

Aluminum Use on U.S. Vehicles – The Shape of Things to Come

Adapted from Mike West’s feature in BodyShop Business

Taming Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride Complaints

Adapted from Lou Calka Jr.’s article in Brake & Front End