7 Job Interview Mistakes You Might Be Making

7 Job Interview Mistakes You Might Be Making

Read through this list of the top seven job interview mistakes to avoid.


Something on your resume has landed you the in-person interview. Congratulations! Kudos for getting to this stage of the game. Before you get too comfortable assuming that the job is yours for the taking, read through this list of the top seven job interview mistakes to avoid.


1. Lack of preparation: Winging an interview for a job that you are really interested in will just set you up for failure. Practicing in a mirror can help calm nerves and lessen the chance of screwing up what you really wanted to tell the employer. Spend some time Googling common interview questions and practice answering to give yourself a boost of confidence.

2. Failure to research the company: At some point during the interview, the employer will definitely ask you if you have any questions about the organization or the role for which you are applying. If you don’t come prepared to fire off a few, you’re going to appear uninterested in the job.

3. Appearing indifferent if you get the job or not: Did you shake the recruiter’s hand confidently? How are you sitting for the interview? Things to avoid include slouching, not smiling and failing to make eye contact with the employer during the conversations. Being “low energy” makes you appear unexcited about working for the company.

4. Negative comments about former employer: As much as it may feel good to badmouth an old employer or boss, refrain from speaking negatively about your past. Criticism is seen as unprofessional and a sign that you may be a difficult employee to get along with.

5. Cell phone ringer: Not turning off all your sounds on your devices is a big no-no. It makes it appear that your full attention is not on the conversation at hand.

6. Dress: Did you take the time to look your best? At the very least, a pressed shirt, clean shoes and a shave are respectable attempts to put your best foot forward.

7. Not gracious: Don’t forget to thank the employer for interviewing you. Make sure you pick up the business card of everyone who you spoke with and send each of them a quick thank you email or card later that day or the next.


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