NABC, CREF Host Distracted Driving Education Program At Pennsylvania High School -

NABC, CREF Host Distracted Driving Education Program At Pennsylvania High School

The National Auto Body Council (NABC) recently hosted a Distracted Driving education program in conjunction with the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) at the Technical College High School Brandywine Campus in Downingtown, Pennsylvania.

The National Auto Body Council (NABC) recently hosted a Distracted Driving education program in conjunction with the Collision Repair Education Foundation (CREF) for more than 400 students at the ACE 2019 (Auto Collision Experience) event at the Technical College High School Brandywine Campus in Downingtown, Pennsylvania.

Faulkner Collision Center of Lancaster hosted the event, which included presentations on the dangers of distracted driving and a hands-on simulation using the NABC Distracted Driving virtual reality goggles provided through the AT&T It Can Wait campaign.

“It was a great event and we were able to share the message about eliminating distracted driving with hundreds of kids,” said April Lausch of Faulkner Collision Center of Lancaster.  “This is such a critical message in keeping drivers of all ages safe on the road.  By giving them a hands-on opportunity to experience how quickly an accident can happen due to a distraction, it can hopefully reduce the chance they are involved in a distracted driving incident on the road.”

The NABC Distracted Driving Initiative holds education events around the country in conjunction with the AT&T It Can Wait campaign. The campaign includes turnkey event and education materials for audiences of all ages – from high school students to corporate employees to insurance customers to general consumers.  The materials include virtual reality goggles, headphones, a ready-to-go Distracted Driving presentation that educates, engages and encourages the audience to make a pledge not to text and drive and a facilitator’s guide with instructions and suggestions for an event.  For more information or to host an event, visit

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